Implementation of European policies in the field of data privacy, security and good governance



August 2018 Deputychair „PRIVACY RESEARCH ASSOCIATION” NGO Progammme Manager & Data Privacy Analyst „DATA PROTECTION LAW FIRM” LLC

March 2018 Coordinator of SOROS-OSIFE „Building bridges with the EU” Project Institute for European Policies and Reforms

AUG/DEC 2017 Data protection caseworker/DPO

Comunison Immigration Service CIAS, London, UK

2015-2017 Programme Coordinator and consultant for CoE/EU Eastern Partnership Programmatic Co-operation Framework, Council of Europe, DG Human Rights and Rule of Law, field Office to Republic of Moldova

2012-2015 Head of External Relations and European Integration Department, National Center for Personal Data Protection of the Republic of Moldova

2011- 2012 Senior Adviser, external relations and European integration Department, National Center for Personal Data Protection of the Republic of Moldova

2010- 2011 Head of International Relations and Communications Division, University of the Academy of Science of Moldova

2009-2010 Consular officer at Embassy of Romania to the Republic of Moldova

2008-2009 National Point of Contact for NATO SPS Programme in Moldova, Academy of Science of the Republic of Moldova


  1. MA in European Political and Administrative Studies, College of Europe, Belgium
  2. Master in International Relations, Academy of Public Administration of the Republic of Moldova
  3. Graduated in International Relations, Moldova’s State Institute of International Relations.


« 2018: IPRE, Thematic analysis: Protecția datelor cu caracter personal vs accesul la informații publice: jurisprudența europeană și practici naționale

  1. « 2007: The impact of the NATO’s extension on the South Eastern Europe, Iaşi, Romania (Monograph,)