August 2018 Deputychair „PRIVACY RESEARCH ASSOCIATION” NGO Progammme Manager & Data Privacy Analyst „DATA PROTECTION LAW FIRM” LLC
March 2018 Coordinator of SOROS-OSIFE „Building bridges with the EU” Project Institute for European Policies and Reforms
AUG/DEC 2017 Data protection caseworker/DPO
Comunison Immigration Service CIAS, London, UK
2015-2017 Programme Coordinator and consultant for CoE/EU Eastern Partnership Programmatic Co-operation Framework, Council of Europe, DG Human Rights and Rule of Law, field Office to Republic of Moldova
2012-2015 Head of External Relations and European Integration Department, National Center for Personal Data Protection of the Republic of Moldova
2011- 2012 Senior Adviser, external relations and European integration Department, National Center for Personal Data Protection of the Republic of Moldova
2010- 2011 Head of International Relations and Communications Division, University of the Academy of Science of Moldova
2009-2010 Consular officer at Embassy of Romania to the Republic of Moldova
2008-2009 National Point of Contact for NATO SPS Programme in Moldova, Academy of Science of the Republic of Moldova
- MA in European Political and Administrative Studies, College of Europe, Belgium
- Master in International Relations, Academy of Public Administration of the Republic of Moldova
- Graduated in International Relations, Moldova’s State Institute of International Relations.
« 2018: IPRE, Thematic analysis: Protecția datelor cu caracter personal vs accesul la informații publice: jurisprudența europeană și practici naționale”
- « 2007: The impact of the NATO’s extension on the South Eastern Europe, Iaşi, Romania (Monograph,)